VoipStunt: Telefonate gratuite?
Il buon Alessandro segnala in questo post un servizio di VoIP particolarmente interessante:
VoipStunt offre telefonate Voip gratuite in italia e in altri paesi del mondo. Effettuando semplicemente la registrazione, senza versare i 5 richiesti, sono riuscito a effettuare telefonate di molto superiori al minuto di durata
To counter misuse of our network we have limited these free calls to a maximum of 1 minute for our trial users. If you want to enjoy UNLIMITED FREE CALLS to these destinations, you have to become a fully registered user by buying 5,- worth of credit to top up your account. This 5,- credit deposit will remain as long as you are calling the free destinations.
Probabilmente perche' il servizio e' ancora in fase BETA?
27.12.2005 Voip Stunt Newsflash!Great news: As from today, Voip Stunt is available again for all Beta testers! And on top of that we have added some popular destinations to our list of free countries as well.
Vedremo....finche' dura lo utilizzo! :-)