Want to test your antivirus with a custom malware payload?
You can, with HERCULES!
HERCULES is a tool, developed in Go by Ege Balcı, that can generate payloads that elude antivirus software.
The tool is useful to generate PoC in order to check the accuracy of various antivirus solutions: the payload is obfuscated and hidden using UPX.
UPX (Ultimate Packer for Executables) is a free and open source executable packer supporting a number of file formats from different operating systems. UPX simply takes the binary file and compresses it, packed binary unpack(decompress) itself at runtime to memory.
HERCULES supports those linux versions:
- Ubuntu: 16.04 / 15.10
- Kali linux: Rolling / Sana
- Manjaro: all versions
- Arch Linux: all versions
- Black Arch: all versions
- Parrot OS: 3.1
go get github.com/fatih/color
go run Setup.go
More info and downloads