A python script that search and download exploit from Vulners Database

getsploit is a command line search and download tool for Vulners Database.

It was inspired by searchsploit, the tool used for search and download from https://www.exploit-db.com.

It allows you to search online for the exploits across all the most popular collections: Exploit-DB, Metasploit, Packetstorm and others. The most powerful feature is immediate exploit source download right in your working path.


Just a single command, no dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/vulnersCom/getsploit

How to use


Es. searchs al exploits for Wordpress 4.7.0 and displays them in a table output:

./getsploit.py wordpress 4.7.0


Downloads all exploit found with previous search:

./getsploit.py -m wordpress 4.7.0

More information and downloads
