Unix terminal, a simple cheatsheet
Unix terminal is a powerful tool.
I think that a lot of tasks (including my own forensics analysis workflows) can be accomplished more quickly on a "terminal only" environment.
Here my brief cheatsheet with useful commands and tips.
Reload shell without exit
exec $SHELL -l
Close shell keeping all subprocess running
disown -a && exit
Exit without saving shell history
kill -9 $$
unset HISTFILE && exit
Perform a branching conditional
true && { echo success;} || { echo failed; }
Pipe stdout and stderr to separate commands
some_command > >(/bin/cmd_for_stdout) 2> >(/bin/cmd_for_stderr)
Redirect stdout and stderr each to separate files and print both to the screen
(some_command 2>&1 1>&3 | tee errorlog ) 3>&1 1>&2 | tee stdoutlog
List of commands you use most often
$ history | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head
Quickly rename a file
$ mv filename.{old,new}
Simply backup a file adding ".bak" extension
cp filename{,.bak}
Empty a file
Delete all files in a folder that don't match a certain file extension
rm !(*.foo|*.bar|*.baz)
Add a multi-line string to a file
cat > filename << __EOF__
data data data
Edit a file on a remote host using vim
vim scp://user@host//etc/fstab
Create a directory and change into it at the same time
mkd () { mkdir -p "$@" && cd "$@"; }
Convert uppercase files to lowercase files
rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *
Print a row of characters across the terminal
printf "%`tput cols`s" | tr ' ' '#'
Put a console clock in top right corner
$ while sleep 1;do tput sc;tput cup 0 $(($(tput cols)-29));date;tput rc;done &
Show shell history without line numbers
history | cut -c 8-
fc -l -n 1 | sed 's/^\s*//'
Execute a command without saving it in the history
$ <space>command
Run command(s) after exit session
Add this code to /etc/profile (for system wide) or ~/.bashrc for local profile:
_after_logout() {
for _pid in $(ps afx | grep sshd | grep "$username" | awk '{print $1}') ; do
kill -9 $_pid
trap _after_logout EXIT
Generate a sequence of numbers
Using seq:
seq 1 2 10
Without seq:
for ((i=1; i<=10; i+=2)) ; do echo $i ; done
Run the last command
$ !!
Run the last command as root
$ sudo !!
Create a script of the last executed command
$ echo "!!" > script.sh
Reuse all parameter of the previous command line
$ echo cd .
$ !*
Run the last command with some argument
$ echo a b c d e
$ echo !!:2
$ echo !!:3-$
Insert the last argument of the previous command
$ cp script.sh /usr/bin/
$ cd <ESC> .
Run previous command but replacing
$ echo no tobereaplaced
$ ^tobereaplaced^replaced
Avoid any command aliases
$ alias ls="rm -rf /"
$ \ls