Must-Know Ukulele pieces: "Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring" from Bach's Cantata BWV 147
"Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" is the common English title of a piece derived from the chorale setting of the cantata "Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben", BWV 147, composed by Johann Sebastian Bach in 1723.

A transcription by the pianist Myra Hess, published in 1926 for piano solo is often performed slowly and reverently at wedding ceremonies, as well as during Christian festive seasons like Christmas and Easter.
My Ukulele rendition is based on Hess's version, and was written for a performance in a wedding ceremony.

As usual, a sheet music with extended left hand fingering but without tabs is freely available.
I always suggest to my students to practice music reading on this kind of score but, if you prefer read tabs, with a small fee you can download the full sheet music with tabs.
- Free sheet music without tabs
- Full PDF with tabs