How to install Arch Linux on a Chromebook in a container, using Crostini
Crostini is the technology used by Google to make Linux application support easy to use and integrate well with Chrome OS. The goal of this guide use the Chrome OS Terminal with Arch Linux distros alongside the default penguin (stripped-down) Debian container, in seven simple steps!
1 - Open the crosh shell and start termina
Start the Linux VM (“termina”). From this VM, we will create an LXC container from the Arch Linux image:
vmc start termina
2 - Create the LXC container with Arch Linux
lxc launch images:archlinux/current arch
Stop the default container:
lxc stop penguin
Check if penguin is stopped and arch is running:
lxc list
3 - Set up the user
Enter the container:
lxc exec arch bash
Create the default user. I name mine “andrea”:
useradd -m andrea
Change the password:
passwd andrea
Give sudo rights to user:
visudo # uncommented %wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
usermod -aG wheel andrea
4 - Set up networking
ip -4 a show dev eth0
pacman -Syu dhclient
systemctl enable --now dhclient@eth0
5 - Install some packages
Log in as user:
lxc exec arch su - andrea
sudo pacman -Syu base-devel git curl make vim wl-clipboard zsh
Install the AUR helper yay:
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si
6 - Install cros-container-guest-tools
This tool allows X apps to work. It can be installed using yay:
yay -S cros-container-guest-tools-git
cp -r /etc/skel/.config/pulse ~/.config/pulse
Installl a tool to test X/Wayland:
yay -S xorg-xwayland wayland mousepad
lxc console arch # login with user
systemctl enable --now --user sommelier{,-x}@{0,1}.service
Test X:
mousepad # window opened as expected
Everything seems to work perfectly, so…
7 - Set Arch as default container
<ctrl>+a q
lxc list # arch and penguin show up
lxc stop arch
lxc rename penguin google
lxc rename arch penguin
lxc list
vmc list
vmc stop termina
Now, exit crosh and start the Linux console: