Simple SMB Scanner with a single line of shell
Need a simple smb scanner to search windows shares on a network?
Here a very simple script, made with nmap, smbclient and some shell commands.
Obviously, the scanner uses the same syntax used by nmap:
./smbscanner 192.168.0.*
Just nmap and smbclient, on Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt install nmap smbclient
Some highlights
I have used the -oG option in nmap:
-oN/-oX/-oS/-oG <file>: Output scan in normal, XML, s|<rIpt kIddi3,
and Grepable format, respectively, to the given filename.
after, with grep, cut and uniq i have obtained a list of unique ip with the 445 port opened.
Finally, with xargs i’ve passed the ip list to smbclient with -L option:
-L| — list
This option allows you to look at what services are available on a server.