The LiberoMail users database was breached
Change your password as soon as possible!
The italian email hosting “Libero Mail” has announced that has suffered an attack that resulted in the compromise of its user database:
Ti informiamo che il sistema di sicurezza di Libero ha rilevato nei giorni scorsi un attacco informatico alla propria rete, con accesso al database che custodisce, in formato criptato, le password dei servizi. Ci teniamo a farti sapere che sono state messe in atto tutte le misure tecniche atte a contrastare l’attacco, non appena ne è stata rilevata la presenza.
(We inform you that the Libero security system has detected a cyber attack to its network in recent days, with access to the database that contains, in encrypted format, the services passwords. We would like to let you know that have been put in place all technical measures to counter the attack, as soon as the presence was detected.)
Two quick tips: check if your account has been compromised with, and change your password now!