A very good feature of GNOME is the automatic mount of app's document sharing when an iOs device is connected to the system.

On my i3 setup the user experience is more basic, but still useful.

First, resolve some dependencies:

$ sudo apt install usbmuxd libimobiledevice6 libimobiledevice-utils ideviceinstaller ifuse

On Debian 9, you need to use packageg from backports:

$ sudo apt install usbmuxd libimobiledevice6 libimobiledevice-utils ideviceinstaller ifuse -t stretch-backports

Then connect your iPhone to usb port and accept the pair request on device.

Finally, start pairing process on pc, with this command:

$ idevicepair pair
SUCCESS: Paired with device c878879d96a910457a3007098693feee2d5XXXXXX

Now, download and execute the script:


Simply start the script (with iPhone plugged and paired), and choose the app: the storage will be mounted on $HOME/iPhone/$APPNAME (in my own customization the script also opens a istance of MC).