In today’s fast-paced tech world, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest and greatest devices. But what if I told you that sometimes, the old can be made new again?

That’s exactly what I discovered when I decided to breathe new life into my trusty 2015 MacBook Air (model 7,2) by installing Debian. So, I want to share my journey with you, focusing particularly on one of the trickier aspects of this adventure: getting the FaceTime HD webcam to work.

Why Debian on a MacBook Air?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of webcam drivers, you might be wondering: why install Debian on a MacBook Air in the first place? Well, there are a few compelling reasons:

  1. Performance Boost: As Apple’s support for older hardware wanes, these machines can start to feel sluggish on newer macOS versions. Linux distributions like Debian are often lighter on resources, giving your old hardware a new lease on life.

  2. Security: Debian is known for its stability and security. Even if Apple no longer supports your device with security updates, you can keep your system safe and up-to-date with Debian.

  3. Customization: Linux offers unparalleled customization options. From choosing your desktop environment to tweaking system settings, you have control over every aspect of your computing experience.

  4. Learning Opportunity: If you’re interested in expanding your tech skills, running Linux on a MacBook is an excellent learning experience. You’ll gain insights into hardware compatibility, driver management, and the inner workings of operating systems.

  5. Software Freedom: Debian, being open-source, gives you the freedom to use, study, modify, and distribute the software as you see fit.

Now, while the installation of Debian itself is relatively straightforward (and a topic for another day), getting all the hardware to work correctly can be a bit of a challenge. One particular component that gave me a run for my money was the built-in FaceTime HD webcam.

The FaceTime HD Webcam

Apple’s FaceTime HD webcams are not your run-of-the-mill USB webcams. They use a custom protocol that isn’t natively supported by Linux kernels. This means that out of the box, your shiny new Debian installation won’t recognize the webcam. But fear not! The open-source community has come to the rescue with custom drivers.

The journey to get the webcam working involves compiling and installing these custom drivers. It’s not a plug-and-play solution, but with a little patience and the right instructions, you’ll be video conferencing in no time.

The FaceTime HD Driver installation process

After much searching and experimenting, I stumbled upon a fantastic resource: a GitHub repository maintained by Patrik Jakobsson (patjak on GitHub). His work on reverse-engineering the FaceTime HD camera has been invaluable to the Linux community.

The installation process involves two main components:

  1. The firmware for the webcam
  2. The kernel module (driver) that allows the system to communicate with the webcam

Let’s break down the process step-by-step.

Step 1: Installing Prerequisites

Before we can install the drivers, we need to ensure we have all the necessary tools and libraries. Open a terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt install xz-utils curl cpio make git linux-headers-generic libssl-dev checkinstall

This command installs:

  • xz-utils: For working with compressed files
  • curl: For downloading files from the internet
  • cpio: For working with cpio archives (used in the firmware installation)
  • make: Essential for compiling software from source
  • git: To clone the necessary repositories
  • linux-headers-generic: Kernel headers required for compiling kernel modules
  • libssl-dev: OpenSSL development libraries
  • checkinstall: A tool that creates a binary package from source installations

Step 2: Installing the Firmware

The first component we need to install is the firmware. This is the low-level code that runs on the webcam itself. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Clone the firmware repository:
    cd /tmp
    git clone
  2. Change to the firmware directory and compile:
    cd facetimehd-firmware
  3. Install the firmware:
    sudo make install

This process downloads the necessary firmware files, extracts them, and places them in the correct location on your system.

Step 3: Installing the Kernel Module

With the firmware in place, we now need to install the kernel module that allows the Linux kernel to communicate with the webcam. Here’s the process:

  1. Clone the kernel module repository:
    cd /tmp
    git clone
  2. Change to the module directory and compile:
    cd bcwc_pcie
  3. Install the module:
    sudo make install
  4. Update the module dependencies:
    sudo depmod
  5. Load the module:
    sudo modprobe facetimehd

If everything went smoothly, your FaceTime HD webcam should now be recognized by the system!

Automating the process

Now, if you’re like me and you love to streamline processes (or if you anticipate needing to do this again in the future), you might want to automate this installation. I’ve created a simple bash script that combines all these steps:


sudo apt install xz-utils curl cpio make curl xz-utils cpio -y
cd /tmp
git clone
cd facetimehd-firmware
sudo make install
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic git kmod libssl-dev checkinstall
cd /tmp
git clone
cd bcwc_pcie
sudo make install
sudo depmod

sudo modprobe facetimehd

To use this script:

  1. Create a new file, let’s call it
  2. Copy and paste the above code into the file
  3. Save the file and make it executable with chmod +x
  4. Run the script with sudo ./

This script automates the entire process, from installing prerequisites to loading the kernel module. It’s a real time-saver if you need to set up multiple machines or if you find yourself reinstalling your system frequently.

Testing the Webcam

Once you’ve gone through all these steps, you’ll naturally want to make sure everything is working correctly. There are several ways to test your webcam, but one simple method is to use the mpv media player:

mpv av://v4l2:/dev/video0 --profile=low-latency --untimed

This command opens a window showing the webcam feed. If you see yourself, congratulations! Your FaceTime HD webcam is now working on Debian.


Of course, in the world of technology, things don’t always go according to plan. If you’re having trouble getting your webcam to work, here are a few things to check:

  1. Kernel Version: Make sure you’re running a compatible kernel version. You can check your kernel version with uname -r.

  2. Module Loading: Ensure the module is loaded correctly. You can check with lsmod | grep facetimehd. If you don’t see any output, try loading the module manually with sudo modprobe facetimehd.

  3. Firmware Installation: Verify that the firmware was installed correctly. Look for files in /lib/firmware/facetimehd/.

  4. Compile Errors: If you encountered any errors during the compilation process, make sure you have all the necessary development tools installed. You might need to install additional packages like build-essential.

  5. Hardware Detection: Check if your system is detecting the webcam hardware. You can use lsusb to list USB devices or lspci for PCI devices.

  6. Logs: Check system logs for any error messages. Use dmesg | grep facetimehd to see kernel messages related to the webcam.

Remember, the Linux community is vast and helpful. If you’re stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to forums or mailing lists for assistance.

The Bigger Picture: Linux on Mac Hardware

Getting the FaceTime HD webcam to work is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to running Linux on Mac hardware. While many components work out of the box, you might encounter other challenges, such as:

  • Wi-Fi: Some MacBook models use Broadcom wireless chips that require additional firmware.
  • Graphics: Depending on your model, you might need to install proprietary drivers for optimal graphics performance.
  • Keyboard Backlight: Controlling the keyboard backlight might require additional tools or scripts.
  • Touchpad: While basic functionality usually works, getting all gestures to work might require some tweaking.
  • Power Management: You might need to install additional tools for optimal battery life and performance management.

Each of these could be an article in itself, and tackling them all is part of the adventure of running Linux on Mac hardware. It’s a journey of discovery, problem-solving, and ultimately, a deeper understanding of how your computer works.

Why Go Through All This Trouble?

At this point, you might be wondering: is it worth all this effort? Why not just use a supported operating system or buy a new computer? Well, there are several compelling reasons:

  1. Environmental Impact: By extending the life of old hardware, we reduce electronic waste and the demand for new devices, which has a positive environmental impact.

  2. Cost-Effective: Breathing new life into old hardware is significantly cheaper than buying a new machine, especially if your needs are relatively basic.

  3. Learning Experience: The process of installing Linux and getting everything to work is an invaluable learning experience. You gain a deeper understanding of operating systems, hardware interactions, and problem-solving in a technical context.

  4. Customization and Control: Linux allows for a level of customization and control that’s simply not possible with macOS. You can tailor your computing environment to your exact needs and preferences.

  5. Privacy and Security: With growing concerns about privacy in mainstream operating systems, running your own Linux system gives you more control over your data and system processes.

  6. Community and Open Source: By using and contributing to open-source projects (even if just by reporting issues or helping others), you become part of a global community working towards better, more accessible technology for all.


Embarking on the journey of installing Debian on an old MacBook Air is more than just a technical exercise—it’s a statement. It’s a way of saying that we don’t need to be bound by the artificial limitations set by manufacturers. It’s a celebration of the power of open-source software and the ingenuity of the developer community.

Getting the FaceTime HD webcam to work is just one example of the challenges you might face, but it’s also an example of what’s possible when developers come together to solve problems. Thanks to the hard work of developers like Patrik Jakobsson, we can continue to use and enjoy our hardware long after official support has ended.

So, the next time you’re tempted to relegate that old MacBook to the back of a drawer, consider giving it new life with Debian.