In recent years, ChromeOS has gained significant traction as a lightweight, cloud-focused operating system, particularly in educational and enterprise environments. The simplicity and security of ChromeOS make it an appealing choice for many users, but these same features pose unique challenges for forensic investigators.

Forensic acquisition of ChromeOS devices, such as Chromebooks, requires specialized knowledge and tools due to the operating system’s reliance on cloud services and its built-in security measures like disk encryption and sandboxing. Traditional forensic methods often fall short, necessitating a different approach to effectively gather and analyze data.

1. Understanding ChromeOS and its forensic challenges

Overview of ChromeOS architecture

ChromeOS is a Linux-based operating system designed by Google with a primary focus on speed, simplicity, and security. Unlike traditional operating systems, ChromeOS is heavily reliant on cloud services, with most user data stored on Google’s servers rather than locally on the device.

Key Components of ChromeOS:

  • Cloud-Centric Storage: User data, settings, and applications are primarily stored in the cloud, with local storage serving as a temporary cache.
  • Built-In Security Features: ChromeOS includes several security features, such as automatic updates, sandboxing of applications, and full-disk encryption using a unique encryption key for each user.
  • Verified Boot: ChromeOS checks the integrity of the operating system during every boot, preventing unauthorized modifications.

Forensic Challenges with ChromeOS

The architecture and security features of ChromeOS present several challenges for forensic investigators:

  1. Data Location: Since most data resides in the cloud, traditional disk imaging techniques that focus on local storage may miss critical information.

  2. Encryption: ChromeOS encrypts user data by default, making it difficult to access without proper credentials.

  3. Limited Boot Options: ChromeOS devices typically do not allow users to change the BIOS/UEFI boot order, complicating efforts to boot from an external device for data acquisition.

  4. Volatile Memory: Acquiring volatile memory (RAM) from a ChromeOS device is challenging due to the system’s architecture and the lack of traditional forensic tools that support ChromeOS.

Importance of Cloud Data Acquisition

Given the cloud-centric nature of ChromeOS, acquiring data from Google’s cloud services is often as important, if not more so, than acquiring data from the physical device. This can be done voluntarily by the user through services like Google Takeout or via legal processes that compel Google to provide data.

Key Points:

  • Google Takeout: A service that allows users to export their data from Google services.
  • Legal Compliance: Investigators may need to issue legal requests to Google for accessing user data stored on their servers.

2. Preliminary steps in Chromebook forensic acquisition

Before beginning any forensic acquisition, it’s essential to follow legal protocols to ensure that all evidence is preserved correctly and is admissible in court. This involves securing proper legal authorization, such as a search warrant, to access both the physical device and any associated cloud data.

Tools and equipment required

Successful forensic acquisition of a ChromeOS device requires specific tools and equipment:

  • Three 32GB USB Flash Drives: Used for creating recovery and live USB environments.
  • Large Capacity USB Hard Drive: For storing acquired data.
  • Chrome Browser and Chromebook Recovery Utility: Essential for creating recovery media.
  • A Special Build of Chromium OS: Used to boot the device into a forensic-friendly environment.

Creating essential USB drives

Step 1: Creating a factory ChromeOS recovery USB drive

A recovery USB drive allows you to reset a Chromebook to its factory state. While this might seem counterintuitive for forensic purposes, it is essential for understanding the device’s default configuration and for creating a clean forensic environment.

  • Instructions:
    1. Download and install the Chromebook Recovery Utility on a Chrome browser.
    2. Insert a 32GB USB flash drive into your computer.
    3. Follow the prompts in the Chromebook Recovery Utility to create a recovery drive.

Step 2: Creating a Chromium OS Live USB

To perform forensic acquisition, you’ll need to boot the Chromebook from a live USB running a special build of Chromium OS.

Preparing for Data Acquisition

Before proceeding with the data acquisition, ensure that you have the necessary legal authority and that all tools and equipment are prepared. It’s crucial to document the entire process to maintain the chain of custody and ensure that all actions taken are legal and transparent.

3. Detailed acquisition procedures

Encrypted Partition Recovery

One of the primary challenges in ChromeOS forensic acquisition is dealing with encrypted data. ChromeOS encrypts user data by default using a unique encryption key, which is stored on the device’s hardware.

Steps to Acquire Decrypted Data:

  1. Create an Encrypted Partition Recovery USB: This USB drive will allow you to boot the device and access the encrypted partitions with the correct credentials.

  2. Authenticate with User Credentials: To decrypt the data, you will need the username and password associated with the device. Without these, the data will remain inaccessible.

  3. Copy Decrypted Data: Once authenticated, use tools like dd or dcfldd to copy the decrypted data to your forensic storage device.

Physical Disk Cloning

Physical disk cloning involves creating an exact copy of the Chromebook’s internal storage. This is only possible in specific scenarios, such as when the device allows access to the storage media or when the encryption keys are obtainable.

Steps to Clone the Disk:

  1. Create a Physical Cloning USB: This USB drive should contain a Linux-based live environment with disk cloning tools like ddrescue or dcfldd.

  2. Boot from the USB Drive: Use the Chromium OS live USB to boot the device and access the internal storage.

  3. Clone the Disk: Use the appropriate tool to clone the internal storage to an external drive.

Handling encrypted data

Even after cloning the disk, the data may still be encrypted. You will need the user’s credentials or a method to extract the encryption keys from the device to access this data.

Note: It is essential to handle the cloned data carefully to avoid any accidental decryption attempts that could compromise the integrity of the evidence.

Voluntary Data Export via Google Takeout

In cooperative scenarios, Google Takeout is an invaluable tool that allows users to export their data from various Google services, including Gmail, Google Drive, and Chrome Sync.

Steps to Use Google Takeout:

  1. Access Google Takeout: Visit Google Takeout.
  2. Select Data to Export: Choose the services from which you want to export data.
  3. Export Data: Google will prepare a downloadable archive of the selected data.

Limitations of Google Takeout:

  • User Cooperation Required: The user must initiate the data export.
  • Incomplete Data: Some data might not be included in the export, depending on the user’s settings.

Handling Non-Cooperative Scenarios

In cases where the user does not cooperate, forensic investigators may need to rely on legal processes to obtain data. This typically involves issuing a legal request to Google through the Law Enforcement Request System (LERS).

  1. Sign Up for LERS: Register with Google’s Law Enforcement Request System (LERS).
  2. Submit a Request: Provide the necessary legal documentation, such as a warrant or subpoena, to request the user’s data.
  3. Receive Data: Google will provide the requested data, which can then be analyzed as part of the forensic investigation.

**Key Considerations:


  • Timing: Legal requests can take time, so it’s crucial to act quickly to prevent potential data loss.
  • Scope of Request: Ensure that the request covers all relevant data, including backups and metadata.

5. Technical steps and scripting

Custom Scripts for ChromeOS Acquisition

Custom scripts are essential for automating various tasks during the forensic acquisition of ChromeOS devices. Below, we outline some critical scripts that can simplify the process.

Script 1: Creating a Recovery USB

This script creates a recovery USB for ChromeOS, which can be used to restore the device to a known state.

echo "Creating ChromeOS Recovery USB"
dd if=/path/to/chromeos_recovery_image of=/dev/sdX bs=4M
echo "Recovery USB created successfully!"

Script 2: Imaging the Internal Storage

This script images the internal storage of a Chromebook, allowing forensic investigators to create a complete copy of the device’s data.

echo "Imaging Chromebook Internal Storage"
ddrescue /dev/sda /mnt/forensics/chrbook_image.img /mnt/forensics/chrbook_image.log
echo "Imaging complete!"

Script execution in a Live Chromium OS environment

To run these scripts, boot the forensic computer using the Chromium OS live USB. Once the system is up and running, open a terminal and execute the necessary commands.

Steps to Execute a Script:

  1. Boot from the Live USB: Insert the Chromium OS live USB and boot the Chromebook.
  2. Open Terminal: Access the terminal from the live environment.
  3. Run the Script: Navigate to the location of the script and execute it with appropriate permissions (sudo).

6. Troubleshooting and Pitfalls

Even with meticulous preparation, issues can arise during the forensic acquisition of ChromeOS devices. Below are some common problems and their solutions.

Common issues and solutions

Problem 1: Booting the Chromium OS Live USB

  • Issue: The Chromebook does not recognize or boot from the live USB.
  • Solution: Ensure that the USB drive is correctly formatted and the image was properly written. Also, check the device’s boot settings.

Problem 2: Encrypted Data Inaccessibility

  • Issue: The cloned data remains encrypted, and you cannot access it.
  • Solution: Verify that you have the correct user credentials. If credentials are not available, consider alternative methods such as using the TPM chip for key extraction.

Security Considerations

Throughout the forensic acquisition process, maintaining data integrity is paramount. Always document every step taken, and ensure that all tools and media used are secure and free from tampering.

Tips for Maintaining Data Integrity:

  • Chain of Custody: Document the chain of custody for all evidence.
  • Write Protection: Use write blockers when imaging storage devices.
  • Secure Storage: Store all acquired data in a secure, access-controlled environment.

7. Post-Acquisition Analysis

Transferring and analyzing acquired data

Once the data has been acquired, it needs to be transferred to a forensic workstation for analysis. This section covers best practices for transferring and analyzing ChromeOS data.

Steps for Secure Data Transfer:

  1. Use Encrypted Storage: Transfer the data to an encrypted external hard drive.
  2. Verify Integrity: Use checksums to verify that the data has not been altered during transfer.
  3. Store Securely: Ensure that the data is stored securely, following your organization’s policies for handling forensic evidence.

Analyzing ChromeOS data requires specialized tools that can handle the unique file systems and formats used by the operating system.

  • Autopsy: An open-source digital forensics tool that supports ChromeOS file systems.
  • FTK Imager: A forensic imaging tool that can analyze various file systems, including ChromeOS.
  • Plaso (Log2Timeline): A tool for creating a timeline of user activity, particularly useful for analyzing ChromeOS devices.

Cloud Data Correlation

After analyzing the locally acquired data, it’s crucial to correlate this information with data stored in the cloud. This helps build a comprehensive picture of the user’s activities.

Steps for Cloud Data Correlation:

  1. Compare Local and Cloud Data: Identify any discrepancies or missing data.
  2. Create a Timeline: Use tools like Plaso to create a timeline that includes both local and cloud-based activities.
  3. Analyze User Behavior: Look for patterns or anomalies in the data that could indicate suspicious activity.

8. Conclusion

Forensic acquisition of ChromeOS devices is a complex and nuanced process that requires specialized knowledge, tools, and procedures. From understanding the unique architecture of ChromeOS to handling encrypted data and navigating legal processes, forensic investigators must be prepared for a variety of challenges.

This guide has provided a comprehensive overview of the steps involved in acquiring and analyzing data from ChromeOS devices. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you effectively capture and preserve critical evidence, even in the face of ChromeOS’s unique challenges.

As ChromeOS continues to evolve, so too must the techniques and tools used in forensic investigations. Staying informed about the latest developments in ChromeOS forensics will be key to maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of your investigations.
