May 6, 2020
"If someone steals your password, you can change it. But if someone steals your thumbprint, you can’t get a new thumb. The failure modes are very different." – Bruce Schneier Is the GDPR failing? If it is, how can it… read more »
May 5, 2020
In the past, I've already written about Kerberos attacks, especially on Ticket Attacks. In all examples, I've always used only Mimikatz, because i think is the most know tool used for this kind of attacks. However, some days ago, I… read more »
May 4, 2020
"Being able to break security doesn't make you a hacker anymore than being able to hotwire cars makes you an automotive engineer." - Eric Raymond Hackers say they stole millions of credit cards from Banco BCR Hackers claim to have… read more »
May 1, 2020
"The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency." - Bill Gates Coronavirus… read more »
Apr 30, 2020
Vladimir Katalov published, on ElcomSoft's blog, a good post about forensic acquisition techniques for iOS devices. It's a really interesting paper, from which I'd like to share some highlights: Logical acquisition Logical acquisition is the fastest, simplest, and most compatible… read more »
Apr 29, 2020
"What does censorship reveal? It reveals fear" - Julian Assange Nintendo says 160,000 users impacted in recent account hacks Japanese gaming company Nintendo confirmed today that hackers gained unauthorized access to around 160,000 user accounts since the start of the… read more »
Apr 28, 2020
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, one of the most respected associations for the protection of privacy and digital rights, that fights since its beginnings against abuses of digital technologies, has published a large article that takes stock of anti-pandemic tracking apps,… read more »
Apr 27, 2020
A lot of interesting links, this week: Ransonmware, new APT grops, new vulnerabilities and (as usual) some coronavirus-related news! TEMPEST@Home - Finding Radio Frequency Side Channels Have you ever listened to a photocopier or a car engine to infer what… read more »